
From Eugene Eric Kim


Next Agenda, Mayacamas Ranch:


Interoperability Between Collaborative Knowledge Applications (August 6, 2002)
At Extreme Markup Languages 2002 in Montreal, Quebec, G. Ken Holman presented my paper (PDF) on graph-based data models for representing hyperdocuments and enabling interoperability between knowledge applications.
Teamsphere Case Study: Behind the Numbers (June 11-12, 2002)
Discussed the results from my paper, "Rearchitecting a Software Platform: A Beginner's Case Study" (PDF) at Hypertext 2002 Workshop on Facilitated Hypertext in College Park, Maryland.
An Epistemological Introduction to the Open Hyperdocument System (January 24, 2002)
An introduction to the Open Hyperdocument System via Doug Engelbart's underlying epistemology -- his conceptual notions of "knowledge," "links," "documents," and so forth. Presented at the Computers and Philosophy 2002 conference in Corvallis, OR. (video) (slides)


Purple Numbers: What, Why, and How (October 25, 2001)
Presentation on "purple numbers" for Bootstrap Alliance volunteers at Mei Lin Fung's house in Palo Alto, California. (slides)
Software Patents, Licenses, Open/Closed Source
Legal Issues Important To You (June 26, 2001)
Participated on a panel discussion at the Embedded Linux Expo & Conference in San Jose, California.
OHS Launch Community: An Introduction (June 14, 2001)
Introduced the charter and structure of the new OHS Launch Community at SRI in Menlo Park, California. (slides)
Collaboration and Cooperation in Open Source (April 18, 2001)
Participated on a panel discussion at the Berkeley Roundtable on the International Economy (BRIE) and Open Source Development Network (OSDN) Symposium, "Rethinking Business in Light of Open Source" in San Francisco, California.


OHS/DKR: Proposed Plan of Action (March 30, 2000)
An early organizational proposal for building the Open Hyperdocument System, presented at SRI in Menlo Park, California. (slides)


The Fall and Rise of Free Software (October 2, 1999)
Delivered a lecture describing the early history of free and commercial software, and discussing why free software is such a popular topic today. Presented at Vintage Computer Festival 3.0 in Santa Clara, California. (slides)
Progress Report on Apache (June 30, 1999)
Moderated panel discussion at the Ziff-Davis Open Source Forum in Austin, Texas.
Programmers Wanted: From the Inside Out (May 11, 1999)
Moderated panel discussion at the Software Development West conference in San Francisco, California.
Keeping Linux Unified: To Fork or Not to Fork (March 3, 1999)
Participated on panel discussion on forking open source software at LinuxWorld in San Jose, California.
Y2K: The Armageddon of Business? (January 31, 1999)
Moderated panel discussion for the Outdoor Retailers Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah.


Open Source in Business (November 19, 1998)
Moderated panel discussion for Stanford BASES in Palo Alto, California.
COM versus CORBA (April 18, 1998)
Moderated debate between Roger Sessions and Andreas Vogel, sponsored by Computer Literacy Bookstores in San Jose, California.
Programming Skills
Preparing for Tomorrow (February 10, 1998)
Moderated panel discussion on software careers for the Software Development West conference in San Francisco, California.


Workplace Transitions: From Classrooms to Careers (October 1, 1997)
Moderated panel discussion on software careers for the Software Development East conference in Washington, D.C.
CGI Programming (May 9, 13, 1996)
A mini-seminar on CGI programming for the Harvard Computer Society. (slides)
Taking Advantage of the 'Net (November 16, 1995)
Presented at the Harvard Internet Fair. A seminar targeting organizations (especially student organizations). Discussed strategies and tools to best take advantage of the Internet. (slides)
Publishing on the World Wide Web at Harvard (October 24, 1995)
Presented at the ABCD WWW SIG meeting. Introduced basic strategies and tools for starting and maintaining a World Wide Web site at Harvard. (slides)